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Leading in virtual DBA services provision

Managed dba Services and Database Infrastructure

Managed DBA:

The increased cluster of data on the web requires the need for efficient data security and database management. The costs and skills required to manage huge amounts of data in databases are difficult to find out. Cloud computing technologies have greatly enhanced database management providing reliable data safety and optimal performance of the database. Therefore, businesses depend upon specialized IT companies for managed database administration services.

Cybervue provides managed dba services to companies so that less time is spent on arranging data. We develop efficient database infrastructure which facilitates automation and speedy data retrieving to develop applications. With only a few clicks, a company can link its application to a database and concentrate solely on production. Cybervue ensures optimal performance, quick execution of queries, data security, and regular monitoring. Based upon the RPO and RTO defined by the client, data recovery is managed.

Benefits of managed dba:

Self-management of databases is a long process that requires taking a server, connecting with the client, hiring skilled professionals, etc. After doing the prerequisites, a company can start securing its data. Hiring an agency for managed dba services has the following advantages:

Speedy Process:

Managed dba services simplify database development and data security. The company just has to decide the initial size of the database and give some provider-specific options, and it can immediately start uploading its data.


Managed dba services relieve a company to perform migrations, data backups, continuous management, as with the database management system provided by Cybervue negates all such effort and makes the process automated. It leads to automated data connection with the server, and connection with desired applications.


Scaling involves data replication and other technologies to carry out database management. With managed dba services involving cloud computing technologies, optional scaling of data can also be acquired. Without having to increase storage size, data transfer, etc. you can opt for scaling to gain increased data security.

High Availability:

Various managed dba services offer SLA (Service Level Agreement) that define the term for how long the data will remain stored in the servers. This ensures data security for longer periods of time and compensation in case of loss. Cloud computing services require no storage requirements and higher data availability.


Self-management dba is inefficient data management. Considering the absenteeism of employees, functional disruption, holidays, etc., the process of database administration and data security is halted. A managed dba service provides 24/7 database management and automated links with applications, thus keeps the system running and ensures the functionality of the business.


Managed dba services facilitate a company to transfer technology i.e., SQL to Oracle, or other forms of technology transfer. Data remained secure and integrated always.

Skilled services:

Managed dba services are carried by high level and skilled professionals of IT and software.


Managed dba services are cost-efficient in terms of long-term data security, skilled data management, convenient data sharing, etc. The benefits of services provide more profit to business than the costs paid. 


Provider of managed dba services carries out continuous monitoring of database functioning, makes regular upgrades, and ensures data security.

Levels of Database Administration:

Database administration is carried out at the following levels:

System Administration:

System database administration involves the installation of a database management system, integration with the company’s system, regular updates, and monitoring. It includes the management of an entire database of a company.

Developmental Administration:

This database administration focuses upon the management of developmental aspects such as building SQL queries, etc.

Application Administration:

Application administration of a database involves the management of applications associated with the database system of a company.

Database Infrastructure:

Database Infrastructure is a set of technologies involving data storage, maintenance, organization, and distribution of data. The systematic structuring of data ensures efficient management in the database.

Data Infrastructure Development:

Following steps can be followed to develop data infrastructure:

Data Collection:

It involves collecting refined data from the right markets to enhance sales and streamline the process.

Setting Goals:

Specific goals must be defined for which database infrastructure is being developed.

Selecting Tools:

Identify and select database tools such as SQL, Oracle, etc., whichever fulfills the requirement of the organization. Utilize business intelligence tools as well to enhance system efficiency.

ETL Pipeline:

It involves extracting data, transforming it into the desired format, and loading it into the database. The ETL pipeline must be efficiently built.

Data Warehouse:

Formation of a data warehouse involves data storage in an organized manner, such as separate storage of processed and raw data.


Ensure data safety with continuous monitoring of system efficacy.

Database Infrastructure provides a robust system for data storage and security of data. Automation tools and cloud computing technologies are utilized to increase the speed of the system. Managed dba services provide a whole set of database management of a company.

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